found a "uops" and have a question

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@ First.. I LOVE SUPERMINT :))

# By the footer, the BLOG block kills the 4 Collum layout on mobile phones complete :()
# How can i add woff/woff2 fonts to the ckeditor? // I have only some fonts :(

/// And my "video" embed syntax also is a bit buggy by downscale on mobiles,
perhaps you have an idea for me?

/// There are still now real usable navigation variants to use in the footer..
No block-with-collums :( or page full-wide nav on footer..or a real IN footer nav..
And in your footer if i put some html-nav-syntax in, the coppyright_C_Year is ABOVE my
code and the login line is UNDER my code .. "WTF"

so on this you can perhaps make the template a bit better ?
Also last Blocl_Slot in full wide over footer and one under the footer is perhaps not bad..
It cost no kb if it not used ;))

On main page i have a 3 collum info block.. "Pretty starting points"....
But this INNER content is hard to find css RGB_A settings...
By the way.. on a lot of points is a rgb_A better...
Perhaps you can smuggle a _A on some more places?
Also the image editor, can get a "Crop" for fast image corrections ...

If you like to check the page on mobile, please send me a msg to give you a login...

THANKS for taking so much time to build this nice Supermint ,))

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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Buschmann replied on at Permalink Reply
..and why the footer can not get the "add layout" function??

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