Loads of problems on Safari

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I've just launched my new website with your theme. I developed it in Firefox/Mac which worked great.
Just looked at it in Safari and it's so bad it's not even usable. Major elements are missing, including main intro's and important text.
I started with the 'base' theme. I don't understand why it looks so terrible in safari.
Please can you help?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

i'm back from your site on both Chrome & Safari and see no differences.. ?
Did you have screenshot about what's working bad ?
simonchilton replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Still waiting for your help!

If I'm not logged in, all the headings are missing on my website, making it totally useless and embarrassing. Please help!!!

Attached is what it should look like... and what it actually looks like
simonchilton replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi. This is really urgent now and I need a reply. Are you there???
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

I has answer here but it seems that it was not saved..
You need to check font size in the customization panel, it seems that it set to zero?
simonchilton replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi. Thought this was fixed but it seems the headings only appear when I'm logged in. I've checked the font size page and all are set to reasonable sizes.

It's not just Safari, I've tried 4 or 5 browsers.

Totally embarrassed as I've been sending clients to see the site and there are no headings.

Please can you offer a fix as soon as you can? I'm losing business here!!!
simonchilton replied on at Permalink Reply
THis is really confusing. Now the headings are appearing on desktop but not on mobile. I haven't changed anything - any idea what's going on?
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
It is not about the font size page but the theme customization panel, where you set colors of the theme.
simonchilton replied on at Permalink Reply
I haven't touched the customisation panel - it's still using the defaults that were set when it installed.

Please can you give me more information about how to correct the problem?

I can't find any settings to control font colours on mobile devices.
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you check the font size in the panel anyway?http://supermint3.myconcretelab.com/index.php/documentation/theme-c...
simonchilton replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi. I haven't changed any font colours or sizes. They are exactly as your preset theme.

Font sizes are set to sensible values when I look in options.

Also I can not see a way to customise colours for mobile only.

Why do the headings work on desktop but not on mobile?
simonchilton replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi. Still having problems with this. All headings are missing on all browsers I've tested.

I've tracked the problem to your override.css file, which is setting them all to font-size=0

Please can you help? This problem is costing me loads of business!!!

** Let's start with some override from dashboard option's page
** This file is generated by php and placed into theme_supermint / elements / overrides.css.php
** Page name : Home / Theme preset Name : / Theme preset ID :

/* --- Text Overrides --- */

/* -- FONTS --- */

.alternate, .tp-caption.big_alternate {

body, p {
h1,.h1 { /*! font-size:0px */}
h2,.h2 { font-size:0px}
h3,.h3 { font-size:0px}
h4,.h4 { font-size:0px}
h5,.h5 { font-size:0px}
h6,.h6 { font-size:0px}
dmurphy replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm also seeing the same behavior on mobile Safari and Chromebooks, as well as some desktops. How can we make sure the font-size is not 0px???
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you open src/Models/SupermintFont.php and change line 88 by

if(!$ratio) $ratio = 1;
simonchilton replied on at Permalink Reply
Tried that, doesn't work I'm afraid. My website still has no text on it: sitebysimon.co.uk

Please can I have a refund for the theme? I'm just going to have to rebuild my website in a different theme as this has been going on for months and I can't afford to have a broken website any longer.
simonchilton replied on at Permalink Reply
Formal Refund Request: Please grant me a refund for the license assigned to this support request.

concrete5 Environment Information

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Core Version -
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Database Version - 20150731000000

# concrete5 Packages
Supermint Theme (

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# Server Software

# Server API

# PHP Version

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# PHP Settings
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Browser User-Agent String

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0

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