Version History

0.9.9 - 07/17/2014 - Made it so top level nav link with dropdown will go to page on click and dropdowns will show on hover on screens above 768px.

0.9.8 - 07/16/2014 - Fixed Bootstrap CSS overriding concrete5 core styling. Fixed installed error in controller.php.

0.9.7 - 07/10/2014 - Fixed php include issues (replaced with inc) in testimonial and employee profile blocks. Added license info for mixitup.

0.9.6 - 07/09/2014 - Added check in controller.php file to only install Page Selector attribute if it's not already installed. Removed empty CSS & Images folders from Image Carousel block.

0.9.5 - 05/14/2014 - Wrapped text "All" in translate function in portfolio_sortable custom template.

0.9.4 - 05/05/2014 - Fixed Bootstrap breadcrumb CSS overriding concrete5 core styling in dashboard overlay. Added ProBlog Post page type for support  with ProBlog.

0.9.3 - 04/05/2014 - Fixed grid sizing on all page types (changed from col-md to col-sm). Fixed element types for #content & #sidebar in all page types (made them all <section> and <aside> elements).

0.9.2 - 03/18/2014 - Added more customizable styles via theme customization panel.

0.9.1 - 03/12/2014 - Fixed PHP exec or die statement in theme_treviso/blocks/employee_profile/controller.php.

0.9.0 - 03/12/2014 - Initial Release