
1.    Included Page Types

The Venture theme includes several different “Page Types” which have differing layouts to suit different types of page.

You can apply these to new and existing pages by selecting “Design” which appears under the “Edit” options for each page on your concrete5 website.

Which “Page Type” you choose to use for any given page is a matter of personal preference, though the name of the “Page Type” often hints at how it should be used.

Venture includes the following “Page Types”, some of which are reserved for special uses:

•    Full Width
•    Left Sidebar
•    Right Sidebar
•    Blog Entry
•    Login (reserved)
•    Register (reserved)

2.    Theme Customization

Venture Theme allows you to customize many of the colors that make up the theme. This allows you to match your corporate colors perfectly and offers a high degree of flexibility in the look and feel of your website.

Visit the Dashboard. Click “Themes” under “Pages & Themes” section and click the “Customize” button next to this theme.

On the resulting page you will see all the components of your theme, such as heading, body and background colors which can be customized to your liking. You can also reset the colors to the default theme colors on this page.

3.     Custom Login & Registration Pages

Venture includes two reserved “Page Types”, “Login” and “Register”. These offer your users login and registration pages that match the style of your website – instead of the generic concrete5 styled pages.

To enable the custom login and registration pages open the file /config/site_theme_paths.php

Add this code to the end of the file, and save it.

/* Start - Formigo Custom Login and Registration pages */
$v = View::getInstance();

$v->setThemeByPath('/login', "venture");
$v->setThemeByPath('/register', "venture");
/* End  - Formigo Custom Login and Registration pages */

Your custom login and registration pages are now enabled.

4.     Packaged Blocks

Venture comes with a number of purpose built Formigo blocks which can be used to enhance the functionality of your concrete5 website and make it simpler to achieve certain design goals.

Each included Formigo Block is documented at the below links

5.     Using Fonticons

We’ve included the excellent “Font Awesome” icon font package in this theme. See the “Credits” section of this documentation for more information on “Font Awesome”.

For configuration information, see below:

Adding an icon to the “nav”

Navigate to the page you wish to add the icon to and then click “Properties” from the “Edit” menu.

Select the “Custom Attributes” tab and then choose “Nav Icon” from the list.

In the input field you will need to add:

<i class="icon-home"></i>

Then click “Save”.

Please note you should substitute “icon-home” with the desired font from the list available here:

Adding an icon in a “Block”

Simply add…

<i class="icon-home"></i>

… in the text input field where you would like the icon to appear.

Please note you should substitute “icon-home” with the desired font from the list available here:

6.  Navigation Style

To enable the correct style for the navigation in this theme you must put the page in to edit mode and then click the auto nav block and select custom template. From the options you would need to select 'Venture'.