Extend banned words to From fields etc.

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I'm trying to stop multiple messages from Crytoded and Eric Jones that seem to avoid detection by all the normal spam criteria.

I've tried adding these names and the associated site URLs and emails to the banned words list but this doesn't work.

This may be a feature suggestion unless I'm missing something obvious. Should these be detected now or is it something that would need to be added to Anti Spam master as a feature?

Type: Ticket
Status: Resolved
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mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry for the late reply.

Concrete's banned words system is not the same. My understanding is it got overhauled in version 9.

Could you share the specific messages you received, so I can run some tests?

Maybe put them in a text document, so you don't get flagged here :)

Thank you
katalysis replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Examples attached.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
So I ran some tests on my own website and here's what happened:
The first message went through.
The second one was blocked because I only allowed 3 URLs in the message and there were 4.

Then I tried as you did to add words to the ban list.

Adding "Eric Jones" didn't work. Concrete doesn't do a good job with expressions, only with single words.

I then tried using "jumboleadmagnet" instead and the message got blocked.

So then I tried adding "CrytoDed" for the first message and it also got blocked.

Will that help you with that issue?

I am actually considering running my own checks on banned words because I'm not happy with concrete's. I'm still thinking about it, but it might happen soon.
katalysis replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks as if we're having some success with this.

Just to clarify, will the banned words filter test against all fields including the email address?
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes it will.

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