Support for Express EntryⓇ & Smart LinkⓇ

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Are you planing to support more field types like
- Express EntryⓇ
- Smart LinkⓇ
I will have to buy Block Designer Pro, after i recognized, that these fields are not supported. But I really like the CLI approach!

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

Short term, no. Long term, for sure! I see more future in Block Developer compared to Block Designer, because you can continue using the exact same block in any site with Block Developer installed within that same site. And that can be cross concreteCMS versions. That comes in handy when the CMS does updates like it did towards version 9. Otherwise you'd have to recreate the blocks because of changes in the CMS. But I can understand it could be too tech-y for some people. Block Designer just build a certain reputation by now and most people just build the CMS and maybe never even do big upgrades.

Not sure how technical you are yourself though? I have had people making own field types, just not sure if you are a developer or not. A good starting point is the "Text" field type, which is pretty simple. But then again, it can get pretty technical if you're not a developer :D

Kind regards
ConverSEO replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, I could also use the Smart LinkⓇ field very well. I would be happy if it is included in one of the new versions.Is there already a timetable?

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