Can not enter Credit Card Information

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I have installed your block and added my plans, put in my Stripe API keys etc.

When i click Subscribe it takes me to a page to fill in the payment information, however the credit card section is empty. I assume that's where the stripe credit card part is to appear?

I've attached a screenshot for you. Any help is much appreciated.


1 Attachment

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
View Replies:
biplob replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Laura,

Thanks for using our addon.
It seems for some reason the credit card input fields aren't appearing.
Could you please check your browser console ( if there is any javascript error?

Perhaps, it would be great if you can send us the .har ( file.


concrete5 Japan Inc
lauraslater replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Biplob

Thanks for your quick response. There does seems to be some errors when i check the Console - it could be because my dev site is http and not https yet?!

I've got the .har file too, i've added it in a zip file - let me know if that's ok, i havent done that before!

biplob replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Laura,

Thanks for the `.har` file.

> There does seems to be some errors when i check the Console

I can’t check the console errors from the .har file. Could you please check if there is any javascript conflict with your theme files? If you send the screenshot or the error detail we can guess about it.

> it could be because my dev site is http and not https yet?

You may test your Stripe.js integration over HTTP. However, live Stripe.js integrations must use HTTPS. This means you can use only the test API key, secret of stripe over HTTP.


concrete5 Japan Inc.
lauraslater replied on at Permalink Reply

So i have updated the API to test API keys and now i can see the credit card information form - thanks for helping me there!

In regards to the styling and design of the Stripe Plan List block, is that something i have to do within my CSS or is it included in the package? Thought i'd check before i start making changes!

biplob replied on at Permalink Reply

> So i have updated the API to test API keys and now i can see the credit card information form

Glad to know that.

> In regards to the styling and design of the Stripe Plan List block, is that something i have to do within my CSS or is it included in the package?

Yes, you need to do it within your CSS. You may consider creating a block template. See

And BTW, feel free to close this ticket if your problem is solved.


concrete5 Japan Inc.
lauraslater replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for letting me know!

I will close the ticket...once i work out how!!

Thanks so much!

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