Version History

1.0 initial version

1.0.1 Fixed bug where JS Date object's returning timezone offsets failed to match dates to highlight. Added some text that shows when editing a page with a Calendar Nav in List Display Mode so the block's area isn't blank and hard to click on.

1.0.2 Specified UTF-8 in List view output

1.0.3 Stripped CR/CRLF/LF from JS output

1.0.4 Respected DIR_REL in Calendar mode

1.0.5 Updated icon with Surefyre theme

1.0.6 Allowed today and highlight CSS classes to co-exist for when today is also highlighted item, CSS gained .surefyre_calendar_highlight.surefyre_calendar_today selector.

1.0.7 Respected display order in listing page instead of doing date order

1.0.8 Fixed bug where mode drop down always said calendar mode when editing block. Allowed list view to list all events if page accessed without passing a date