Customizing Countdown Block

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I need to customize the Countdown Block like the attached screen cap. I can use the #countdown ID to customize the font color, size, spacing, etc, but I need to also add a rounded corner border around the times. Is there a way to do this? Help would be appreciated.

Thank you!!

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Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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mrnoisy replied on at Permalink Reply

You can replace the number images with ones of your own.

The path is:

The files are named 0.gif up to 9.gif.

Hope that helps.
bhockers replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply! I did see those directories with the gifs, but noticed that when using the countdown block with images instead of text there's a lot of flickering when loading the page. So I was hoping to go down the text route because the countdown is very smooth. Is my only option to update the gifs?

Thank you!!
mrnoisy replied on at Permalink Reply
You could try CSS border-radius?
bhockers replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, but when I look at the view.php file, it looks like the variables are pulled in at once so that would put a border-radius around the entire block of numbers, as opposed to each individual number. I'm not familiar enough with php to know if I can split up those variables in order to style them separately.
mrnoisy replied on at Permalink Reply
Please provide a link to the page with the countdown and I'll have a look.
bhockers replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi sorry for the delay, I was still building the page. Here is a link to the page and where the countdown currently lies -- If all else fails, I will replace the .gifs but the loading time seemed iffy. Ideally, I'd like each number to have its down class so that I can add the border-radius. I tried adding a span tag to each number in the php file, but that didn't seem to work. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. I have to launch this site on 11/2 so I'm trying to do some troubleshooting until then. Thank you!
mrnoisy replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, sorry, I've had a look and I don't know how to achieve that effect without images.
bhockers replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, thanks for the help anyways.

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