Add to Cart NOT Go to Cart

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I've created a couple of products and what I'd like to happen is that I would like to add an item to the cart and not open the cart until I am finished shopping. Did I miss some option somewhere or is this easy enough to fix?

Thanks for your help.

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Bonnie,

this was a Snipcart option that has either been more recently added, or a missing it originally.

So I've updated the package to allow you to disable the automatic display of the cart when adding products - you'll find that option in the Snipcart ->Appearance and Labeling dashboard page, it's the second checkbox down.

You should see it as version 1.4.1 and hopefully will appear as an available update for you soon.

It's not something allows you to config per product, it's a site-wide option, so it's making sure there's a cart block clearly visible to allow someone to open it and proceed to the checkout.

The other way to approach this is to leave the automatic cart in play, but turn on the extra 'Continue Shopping' button, to make it more obvious that a customer can close that dialog and continue shopping. I suggest this as my concern is that the feedback of the cart quantity/price updating might not be a huge amount of visual feedback.

labdesignstudio replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ryan,

So at the risk of revealing my thickheadedness, I do not see the continue shopping button as an option. As you say, this would help a great deal for the end user. Most users would not feel confident just closing the cart window.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
It's the first checkbox on the 'Appearance and Labeling' page in the Snipcart section of the dashboard, called 'Show Continue Shopping Button'. You enable it there to have it display in the cart.
labdesignstudio replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect Ryan. Thanks!
labdesignstudio replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ryan,

I am feeling a bit thickheaded. So please forgive me.

So when I click on Snipcart in the dashboard I get one page - configuration. I do not see "Appearance and Labeling" option. Can you send me a screenshot. I think I've looked everywhere :)

labdesignstudio replied on at Permalink Reply
I was thinking about how the configuration window opens and closes the dashboard so I can really see if there are any additional links to the Snipcart "section" - and low and behold there are. So sorry to air my thickheadedness in public.

Thanks for your patience. The Add-on is so easy to use as is Snipcart.


mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Ha, no stress at all, glad to hear you have it sorted!

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