Can't get it working

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Hey, I installed the add-on. I uploaded the flash and the xml but the flash doesn't start. This flash is working properly on html-page. Now I'm trying to move my site to C5 and just can't get it right. Maybe there is something wrong with mu xml??

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    backgroundColor = "0xFFFFFF"
    bannerWidth = "960"
    bannerHeight = "200"
    preloaderColor = "0x606060"
    buttonColor = "0xFFFFFF"
    showButtons = "false"
    slideshowMode = "true"
    enableLinks = "false"
  <banner repeat ="true">

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
it would be awesome if you had a URL of the static HTML embed, and a URL of where you're trying to use it in Concrete, and I should be able to give pointers on where the problem might be. Feel free to PM me if you'd like the paths to remain private

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