SWF files

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I have successfully installed this add-on, and it seemed to be working fine. I have 2 issues that are now occuring and i dont know why.
1) I have a SWF that is loaded and works initially , but after about 5 or 6 page refreshes it breaks and doesnt connect to the XML file that it is pointing to. Like i stated it works perfectly at first , then after a few page refreshes it breaks ; the swf file loads correctly but the data from the XML file isnt showing up. Also , when i remove the SWF file using the file manager , then re-upload it and re-assign it to the block it works , then eventually breaks again.

2) i have another flash rotator on the homepage of my site, it also uses an XML file to load data and images. The only issue with it is that upon page load , it takes an additional 2 to 3 seconds to load the SWf file.

Does anyone have any clues as to why the above issues may be occuring??



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knowone replied on at Permalink Reply
also, i just noticed another thing that is happening.

when i get in and out of edit mode for that page , the SWF loads correctly. However when i click the nav link to that page it breaks.

the URL path is changing:

when i get out of edit mode the path is :
/index.php?cID=80 and teh page loads correctly

When i click the nav link which is causing the problem the path is:

I dont understand this, because these are supposed to be the same page
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
Very strange. I've never experienced any of these problems before.

What method are you using to access your XML file? Are you using the flashvar method?

Is this a Flash file you have the source to? Is it written in AS1/AS2, or AS3?

Also, try to check to see if swfobject is being included properly. I force it to embed when editing, because I've had some experiences with Concrete not including swfobject. However, when viewing the page, I use the Concrete5 recommended method for requesting swfobject.js, but its possible that might not be working in the core reliably. You can try to include swfobject in your theme, and see if this helps resolve any issues.

This may also help with any delays, as the script would be loaded at the beginning, and not the end.
knowone replied on at Permalink Reply
Flashvars method is used.

swf is AS3

i'll check the swf object; i'll copy the swfobject to the theme and see if this helps.


knowone replied on at Permalink Reply
issue #1 is resolved. Error on my part, AS3 script had to be updated with correct path that is generated by the file manager; What i was doing was, creating a folder and copying the XML file to it, and trying to connect it from there.

still trying to figure out why the flash file in issue #2 is still loading slowly.
knowone replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay , now this is really getting strange.

Concerning issue#2 from above, SWF taking 2 to 3 seconds to load. This is only happening in firefox. I loaded the page in IE8 and it works perfectly...

any ideas??
knowone replied on at Permalink Reply
looks like i spoke to soon.

Okay, when loaded in IE8; it will load everything correctly; however when the home link in clicked the SWF file disappears. Now, when i clear the browser cache in IE8 , then click the home link, it reappears. Then if you click it again it disappears until the cache is cleared.

Firefox loads the page correctly everytime , and doesnt break when the home link is clicked. just takes a few seconds to load
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay, so if I understand correctly, you previously were putting the XML file at a static location, and were trying to reference it directly, but now you have your XML in the file manager, and you're using the "Data" tab of the Flash Embed block to connect to the XML file? Using the "Data" tab should definitely be the easiest and most error-free way to go.

Also, do you have the debug version of Flash Player installed? It's possible that you're having an Actionscript error. The default player for Flash Player will silence errors, but a debug player will pop-up a message to explain runtime code errors.

You can find the "content debugger" versions of Flash Player here:

knowone replied on at Permalink Reply
regarding this statement:
"You can try to include swfobject in your theme, and see if this helps resolve any issues.
This may also help with any delays, as the script would be loaded at the beginning, and not the end. "

What did you mean by this exactly?

Include the swfobject.js in the theme folder?
Include the javascript code in teh header?
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
Try including swfobject.js in the <head> of your theme. I think that will solve the problem
knowone replied on at Permalink Reply
i tried adding the code below to the <head> tag of the header.php file in my them , but it didnt work.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/swfobject.js"></script>

is this what you meant?
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
Close. swfobject.js is located at /concrete/js/swfobject.js

If this is a real issue, I can always include the script whenever the add-on is present. I wanted to go the "recommended" way for including scripts, but if it fails, it fails. Having things work is the most important thing.

As I said before, though, I haven't experienced this problem on any of the sites or browsers I've used it on. Are you using an older version of Concrete?

Feel free to try updating the script path, though. It sounds like that might fix this for you
knowone replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay i think i figured it out. All this time I have been working on my PC at home on a local Wamp server that i have installed. So i decided to migrate what i have done so far onto a live web server just test things out. Looks like the flash file loads just fine on my godaddy hosting account

thanksf for the help

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