File Uploads not attached to recipient's email

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Hi, I was wondering when using the File Uploads field, if the file that gets uploaded can be sent as an attachment in the email to the person receiving the emails? Currently it just shows the file name in the email but no way of downloading the file without having to log into the site and searching in the Results area for the files.

This wouldn't be that big of a deal to do, but our site receives up to 100 submission daily, so having to go through and finding the files is becoming a chore for us. We have 5 forms running on our site and each one has a file upload field. The File Uploads checkbox is checked in the Attachments area under the Emails sections but again the files are not coming through as attachments.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry for the late reply! Missed this one.
Yes, you can send uploaded files as attachments.


insyntrix replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi thanks for the reply.
So how do I make the uploaded files an attachment in the emails? In my original post I mentioned that we do have the checkboxes checked in the Email sections under the File Uploads, but again they don't come through as attachments, they file name shows up in the email, but its not an attachment.
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply
Sounds like you didn't selected the upload field with the checkbox.
Please select the upload field with the checkbox and it should work.
insyntrix replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, we do in fact have the Checkbox checked on all the forms, which is why I have contacted you for support because everything seems to be set correctly but again the attachments are not coming through, there are no errors showing showing, they do show up in the file manager and in the Formidable Results which is how we are retrieving all the attachments, but again its becoming a burden to do this for 5 forms and we get a couple hundred weekly.
DCBjacob replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the same issue actually. I just created a form today and tried the attachment option and it did not work for me either. It will upload to Concrete5 and into my desired file set if I wanted it to, but it won't actually attach or link in the sent email. It just says "Upload Documents: Scholarship_Recommendation_Form.pdf (145.24 KB) " without being hyperlinked. This is an HTML email message.
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

Is this issue solved yet!? If so forget this post...
If not, read the following.

2 options.
1) In the message there is name of the file. It can be a link to the file if the file is in fact in the filemanager and the mail is a HTML-type mail.
2) Add the uploaded file as attachment of the mail. You can do this by selecting the fileupload field as attachment in the mail (check the attachment)


insyntrix replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm still having issues with the files not being attached in the emails. Again the files are being uploaded to the files set that I've assigned to each form as I have to go in and manually download the files submitted through the forms. I have everything set in the forms like in your screenshot but they are not coming through the emails.
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply
Please PM me with the login details for the site.
I'll check the settings and see what happens.


insyntrix replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, I just PM'd you the login credentials.

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