What about repeatable fields?

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What about "repeatable fields", technically this probably isn’t a new field type as much as a capability for other field types.
So I'm thinking like a "flag" to toggle on/off the ability to repeat a field type.

Maybe my use case example will illustrate clearly.

I want to create a block for a family. So this "family" block will be used to add a family to a listing of families (like for a church).
But since different families are different sizes, the fields for the individual members needs to be repeatable, since some of the fields are the same (just repeated as many times as necessary) and so the user can add however many is necessary for each family. So it would have the following as an example.

Family Name (The whole household name)
Family Photo
Home phone
Husband Name
Husband email
Husband cell phone
Wife Name
Wife email
Wife cell phone
Child one name
Child one email
Child one phone
Child two name
... etc. etc.

Can this add-on facilitate this sort of use?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
This is something I've thought about before, and even had a few cases where it would be helpful, but it is not currently part of Formify.

It's a great idea, but it's a little more complicated than at first glance...primarily because it would have to be setup as a repeatable "group" of fields. For example, I've had a form where I needed to repeat possible colleges of a user. In that instance we had to have the college name, city, and state. So you'd need to group those three together and make the entire group repeatable.

Same with your example - Child name, email, and phone would need to be grouped together and repeatable.

All that to say - it's on my radar, but not currently possible. I'll keep you in the loop if it's something I end up adding.
OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, I thought about grouping fields and agree the ability to group the fields to be repeatable is probably necessary. After watching all the videos you did of this add-on, I can see how powerful and flexible it already is. This type of added functionality seems like the obvious next step. I've talked with other developers about this (like Ramon the creator of the fantastic Block Designerhttps://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/block-designer... ). There's definitely interest.
Juerg replied on at Permalink Reply
With AvancedForms I managed a solution for that. I suppose it also works with Formify (haven't bought it yet):
I made a choice field with the number of persons (1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5, 6) of the family to sign up. Then I used rules to control the visibility of the Fields "Person 2 Name", "Person 2 Birthday", "Person 3 Name", "Person 3 Birthday", etc according to the chosen number of persons.

Might at least be a workaround until there's repeatable fields.

OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
Ahh, I get it. And from the sounds of it, grouping isn't an issue, other than how it's handled in the view template, because you use the same type rules simply repeated as necessary, right?

I'd can't wait to hear from Justin @jgarcia if the same would work w/ Formify. If so, I'm buying it!
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply

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