Are the events searchable locally?

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I think you may have accomplished this but I just want to check. Most Gcalendar viewers in other CMSs don't integrate the events (and event details) in the locally searchable database but since you seem to be creating an page instance for each event it seems that your's might?

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dwhillier replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm thinking you misunderstood the capabilities of this addon. I don't actually synchronize events from Google Calendar to individual pages in the Concrete5 database. I am only using the Concrete5 cache (stored in cache files on the server) to cache events upon retrieval for a period of time so that subsequent requests for those same events, during that period of time don't need to be fetched directly from Google over and over again (it's slow).

So unfortunately, this addon isn't searchable by Concrete5's search block either. Apologies for potentially dashing your hopes! ;)

I think the effort to synchronize Google Calendar with a local database could be a difficult task, which is perhaps why most similar modules for other CMS's don't do it either. I certainly understand the allure of such a capability but since this addon is just a hobby of mine, I don't have the time/resources to pull something like this off.

Thanks for your question! I hope you find what you are looking for!
Typesmith replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the quick but ultimately disappointing reply. :)

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