Modify email body contents

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Does this add on allow for a site admin to adjust the body contents of user registration emails? Specifically, I have a workflow that enforces manual validation of a new user registration by a site admin. This workflow sends an email notification to the site admin, and ideally I'd like the to contain two custom user attributes ("Forename" and "Surname").

The above is desirable, but I'd be happy to purchase this as an interface to just adjust the email from addresses. Can you confirm if this add-on is compatible with C5 8.3.1+?


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Status: Resolved
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mlocati replied on at Permalink Reply
This addon works for any concrete5 version greater or equal to 5.7.4.

About customizing the email body: Handyman doesn't do that.

You can customize an email body with these steps:
- copying the relevant file from the /concrete/mail folder to the /application/mail folder
- edit the file in the /application/mail folder
- clear the concrete5 cache (via the concrete5 dashboard)

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