Translation German 2.0

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Hi I have the same problem as the earlier post - I need the messages in German.
Unfortunately, I did not understand your instructions to him.
C5 version doesn't seem to be translated to German.
I could probably create the po & mo files, but I am totally unclear as to how to integrate them in the application folder as an override with the controller.php file. Controller.php doesn't seem to reference language anywhere
If you could direct me to a "Directions for Dummies" post, or clearly state how to go about achieving the translation, I would be terribly grateful... the instructions for developers is way over my head. I need something more like a "recipe".
Thanks for any help!

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
If you send me the German .po and .mo files, I'll make sure those become part of v2.0.1. That way it's useful for other people as well.
arlenesey replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks! I guess I would still really like to learn how to do this, as it would be very useful, but I will send the po & mo files done as best I can. I also used Google translate to help in Poedit.
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, I've updated the plugin. Please upgrade to version 2.0.1.

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