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Thanks for the add-on! I'm using concrete5 version 5.6.1 and can't seem to get the teasers to show up in the RSS feed for my page list. I was able to get the teasers working in the page list itself by changing the name of the 'Main' content area in root/blocks/page_list/templates/teasers.php, but the RSS feed only shows <![CDATA[ ]]> in the description.

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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Also change the name of the 'Main' area in root/packages/page_list_teasers/tools/rss.php

(sorry there's no simple way to do this with an override file like you can with the block view -- it's possible if you really need to, but it's kind of complex so I'm not going to bother for now -- but let me know if you need it to work this way for some reason).
bwong replied on at Permalink Reply
That worked perfectly, thank you!

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