Does this work with Stacks?

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I think scrapbooks went away with Stacks. Does this work with stacks?

I need a simple sidebar slider that horizontally changes text content. I am not using images. Just text. Can this work for my needs? (Others I looked at required starting with an image.)

Am I right in understanding I can create a new stack, add a number of Content blocks with my text; then install this block in my sidebar, assign that stack to it, specify the other settings I saw in your interface - and the result will be each block in the stack changing via a horizontal slide movement?

And for skinning it, I just want a background image that does not move with each slide change. Can I make this fairly easily? ie. to just assign a CSS background image to the block and otherwise the content of the blocks will fit the fixed width specified in the addon settings - and no other styling applied except the styling I use in the Context block in the stacks?


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Mikel replied on at Permalink Reply

Unfortunately this plugin only works with good old Scrapbooks. Since it's a deprecated element in newer versions of Concrete I hope to find some time to update the code so at least it accept both or even making a newer version of it.

I'm sorry ot doesn't fit your needs. If I can update it soon I will keep you informed about it in case you haven't find another solution yet.

kind regards,

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