3 to 4 Columns?

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Is there a way to make the social wall go from 3 to 4 columns? I can't seems to figure out how to expand that out.

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PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
The Social Wall template is intended for responsive or fluid-width pages. If you are using a fixed-width theme, then only a few columns will be able to fit within the area.

If you are using a responsive or fluid-width theme, you may want to consider using a full-width page type to display the Wall.

Simply put... the wider the container area that the wall is displayed in, the more columns there will be.

Themes that use the Bootstrap, Foundation, or other theme that is 960 or more pixels wide is a good place to start.
rjaskelton replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah I increased the container to something as high as 6000px and it didn't go beyond the 3 columns. Is there a switch I need to make it responsive?

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