Instagram not working 'out-of-the-box' ... temp fix

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I've just implemented a social feed wall for a client and had some challenges with the Instagram feed. I successfully registered the app with Instagram, got the API token etc. and have successfully used the apigee console for testing the Instagram API.

Chrome dev tools was showing that the Instagram API URL called to get a users feed was not formatted correctly so I traced down where the URLs are built in the Social Feed addon and discovered that the error was occuring in the social feed jQuery plugin.

Turns out the jQuery plugin is expecting (I believe) a URL with the information needed to load a user feed but the Social Feed addon is only passing the User's ID so the URL build logic doesn't complete properly and the resulting URL isn't a valid Instagram API URL. For my project, I just modified the Social Feed addon a bit to make it generate the correct URL based on the data being passed by the Social Feed addon.

The code in question can be found in the file '/packages/social_feed/blocks/social_feed/sf-js/, lines 443-474:

case 'instagram':
         href = '#';
         url = '';
         var cp = id.substr(0,1), cq = id.split(cp), url1 = encodeURIComponent(cq[1]), qs = '', ts = 0;
            case '?':
            var p = cq[1].split('/');
            qs = '&lat='+p[0]+'&lng='+p[1]+'&distance='+p[2];
            url += '/media/search';
            case '#':
            url += '/tags/'+url1+'/media/recent';
            ts = 1;

I changed it to:

case 'instagram':
         href = '#';
         url = '';
         var cp = id.substr(0,1), cq = id.split(cp), url1 = encodeURIComponent(cq[1]), qs = '', ts = 0;
            case '?':
            var p = cq[1].split('/');
            qs = '&lat='+p[0]+'&lng='+p[1]+'&distance='+p[2];
            url += '/media/search';
            case '#':
            url += '/tags/'+url1+'/media/recent';
            ts = 1;

Hope this helps resolve any challenges with Instagram in this addon!

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