Won't work with my channel

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So after trying to get this to work for a few hours, I am angry and at my wit's end.

I can get it to work on your channel "c5extras"

But I can't get mine to work; it keeps giving me an error (see screenshot).

Here is my channel:https://www.youtube.com/@sullivanandassociates...

I have tried the following:
Sullivan + Associates Clinical Psychology

Not sure why the instructions are so vague, but I am seriously considering refunding.

Type: Ticket
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
enhialus replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Here is the attachment I originally included before it was removed due to poor site construction.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
hi, thanks for sharing the details of that issue you experienced. I've spent a bit of time troubleshooting that, and managed to get to the root of the issue.

It was actually twofold - one part was that this particular YouTube channel doesn't have a "username" that matches the new-style handle.
For example - these 2 pages load the same channel:

But these two do not:

Here's an FAQ that explains the steps for changing the URL of the channel vs the "handle" (which is a relatively new feature on YouTube):

I'd recommend setting the URL to be the same as the new handle, minus the "@".

Since there was no username/URL the standard method for looking up the channel didn't work.

Secondly, I found a bug in the block which affected the channel search. This must have been introduced with the recent update which was made to support PHP8. I've now fixed this and uploaded the new version (2.2.1) to the marketplace so please install that and overwrite your existing package. You can enter the full name in the "display name" field like this:

You can do this step without changing the URL (from part 1) if you wish, and it will work fine either way now.

Thanks for your patience and bringing this to my attention.


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