replying to blog post responses

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I have added the response option for users on my blog. Several have responded to my first blog post, but I don't see an option to respond easily. I can edit, remove or un-approve their responses. But there is no option to reply.
Is there a simple answer to this? Do I need to change something in the HTML?
Thanks for your help!

Also, as an FYI, your blog post page type isn't working properly as far as I can tell. Again, I"m not a computer person so I could be way off here. Not a problem for me since I'm using the standard blog entry page instead.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

Are you using another add-on for your blog discussion section? May I know the url where this is found?

andreatlmt replied on at Permalink Reply
I just used the standard Guest Book/Comments Block from the blog page options.

Ex. of my options when I view page:

Edit | Remove | Un-Approve

Posted by sanda on Jan 22nd, 2015
You are such an inspiration!

Thank you for sharing!

andreatlmt replied on at Permalink Reply
The above sample is the actual comment from someone on the blog page. Named Sanda. I would like to reply, but my options are only edit, remove and un-approve. Edit doesn't seem quit right. It's more a way to edit what she said. Not actually reply to her.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
This particular issue isn't relates to the actual theme. But rather it's just the default way the core guestbook block works in Concrete5. I wish a wordpress-style reply feature would be built in for C5.6.x. But there are other addons in the marketplace that offer more functionality for blogs such as ProBlog.

Hope this helps.

andreatlmt replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! I'll check out that add-on.

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