copyright Template and Colors

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Hi there. I am wondering if the theme's copyright information remains on the live site or if it can come off? Also, I would like to know if there are options to change some colors in the theme?
I see it is Pro Blog compatible (yeah) so, I assume that includes all of the other Pro products? like pro forms, etc.
I will be looking forward to your reply asap as I need an new theme immediately after discovering the one I have been using since july isn't fully responsive! eeks!

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi There,

Thanks for your enquiry.

To answer your questions:

The copyright info changes to your company name (site name), so it will display your company details not ours, it can be removed if you wish, but as a condition of selling on the C5 marketplace we have to include it, it can be removed in the code fairly easily though.

The Elegancia themes are some of our oldest themes, and use images for the backgrounds etc, again this can be changed in the code as seen here:

If you want something a little more customisable, please check out Metris, Minima and Nova:

Pro blog and any other add-ons should be compatible with all marketplace themes, we did offer some custom templates for pro-blog but had to remove them, the developer of pro-blog would not notify us of any updates, or send out updated add-ons for us to update our templates, which led to our users experiencing errors, we then removed anything "specific" to pro-blog, but it will still work it just wont have theme specific templates.

hope that helps with your decision.



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