How to get the sticky NavBar with different color than colors before it gets fixed by scolling down?

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I'd like to separate the colors for nav-bar between sticking and not sticking (e.g. before sticking opacity 0.6 and with sticking opacity 1.0.

What can I do? I found no option for it, so I think I need to hard code it, but where?
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Strictly we can't support this other than to offer this advice. The styles you need will be compiled to CSS from LESS, so you'll want to look in main.less or the preset less files if you are employing those. You can find these in the packages theme/fundamental/css folder.

Another option is add something inline in the html of the theme which should override the whatever CSS is being used.

As a theme user I'd be wary of either approach as both will get overwritten when you update the theme to any new version we release.
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Forgot to add. Please back up your original files before making edits. You can then restore if something goes wrong.
Resipisco replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks for your willing to support this topic.
But maybe you can give my a bit more details, where in the main.less I can find the part which makes the navigation bar sticky by scolling. I've searched but not found and now I don't know were to add my code for the bg color.

Best wishes

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