
Adding the Navigation

Adding the navigation to Heart concrete5 is very easy to do. Simply add an 'Auto-Nav' block to the 'Sitewide Header Nav' area, configure this block how you wish and then once saved to the page you can click on this block and select 'Custom Template'. Select the custom template 'Heart concrete5 Horizontal'.

Adding the on page 'login' block

We include a custom login block with heart concrete5. You can add this anywhere on the page, but it is styled to be used in, and we recommend using in, the 'Sitewide Login Block' area

Customizing the Color Scheme

If you wish to choose your own color scheme then you should activate 'Heart concrete5' from the 'Themes' menu in the 'Dashboard'. You can then click 'Customize' next to this theme. You can select any combination of colors to take the site in any direction you wish.

Simple vs Advanced Layout

By default the theme will install with a basic but functional set of areas. This is to cater for users who like less complexity in their themes, or who have limited web server resources.

You can enable additional areas in Heart concrete5, if you want more flexibility and have a reasonably good web server, by simply pasting this line of code at the end of your /config/site.php file.


You can revert from advanced  to simple layout if you wish to test the impact on your server by simply removing this line from your site.php flle.

Custom 'Login' and 'Registration' pages

Heart concrete5 theme comes with two style pages for login and registration. You can use these in place of the concrete5 defaults by  replacing this section of code in your /config/site_theme_paths.php file:-

$v = View::getInstance();

$v->setThemeByPath('/login', "yourtheme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/page_forbidden', "yourtheme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/register', "yourtheme");


With this section of code:-

$v = View::getInstance();
$v->setThemeByPath('/login', "heart_concrete5");
//$v->setThemeByPath('/page_forbidden', "yourtheme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/register', "heart_concrete5");

Using a custom header background image

By default the header image is the daily concrete5 dashboard image. This is cool. you get a great new picture every day and your shouting about concrete5. You really heart concrete5. However, due to popular demand this can now be changed to a background image of your choice.

Visit Dashboard > System & Settings

Under the basic options select "Interface Preferences".

Choose a dashboard image from the file manager (or upload one) and save.

Or choose no dashboard image if you wish. You can change the default color of the background section when no image is displayed by uncommenting a couple of lines in heart_concrete5/themes/heart_concrete5/elements/header.php, and changing the colors to those you want.

In either case the credit that is displayed when using the concrete5 dashboard image of the day, will no longer be displayed.