Multilingual - Header space - Nav hight

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I just added an additional language to the theme, I noticed that if I add the "switch language" block that the navigation gets pushed down... are there any tips/tricks/hints, how to solve this...(add additional sitewide block? css adjustments?)?

Looking forward to hear from you & thank you!


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Type: Ticket
Status: In Progress
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VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Great,

Please try the following:

1/ Click on the "Cog" icon on the top left of the concrete5 admin bar, from the menu select "Design" and then click "Customize" on the blue overlay.

2/ From the customize options scroll all the way to the bottom until you see the "Advanced" section, under that click on the "Cog" icon that is next to the words "Custom CSS" in the CSS window that appears paste in the following CSS code:

div.ccm-block-switch-language-flags {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    transform: translateY(-50%);

3/ Click on "save changes" then click on "Entire site" and publish your page.

This will set your language pickers in line with your nav, if you want them at the top of the page, please delete the following lines from the above CSS:

top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);

Looking at your site I can see you are also the victim of a bug we have introduced in the latest version of Modena, it may make some blocks disappear or not work correctly. To fix it please do the following:

Go to "Modena Theme Options" in the dashboard, then go to "Header Settings" in header settings look for the option "Header Transform Position" and enter a value such as "200" save the settings then check the page, it should now be resolved.

We are currently working on a fix, sorry for any inconvenience.

Best regards

great replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi David

Thank you for your immediate response and perfect resolution for my problem. All worked fine for me! Thx! Keep it up!

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Good to hear, glad it's sorted for you.

Best regards


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