Main Page NAV buttons - Cant access pages on mobile.

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Just discovered, that main NAV pages cant be accessed on mobile. If you click just opens the SUB Nav items, you cant actually get to the main page. Explanation and screenshot below.

On attached. If I click "About Us" it reveals "Meet The Team" I cant access the actual "About Us" page.

If I click "treatments" it will reveal sub pages, but I can actually get to the "treatments" page.

Any way to fix this, as this appears to be a problem on all the sites we have built with Pixel Theme.

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Status: Archived
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
What device are you testing on?
And do you see the same issue on the theme demo site?
designeclectic replied on at Permalink Reply
i-Phone 11

Same problem on Live Demo
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
As I see, clicking on an item with a dropdown first opens the menu and the second click opens the link. I tested on the latest version on iOS on both the pixel showcase site and your site. (osteop***
Also, you should know that, on pixel showcase, the `starting pages` and `features` links are disabled with `navigation_link_disabled` attribute, so those pages are not accessible on desktop too.
web089 replied on at Permalink Reply
Same issue on several smartphones an tablets (Apple).
web089 replied on at Permalink Reply
What´s about solving this issue?
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
This is the default behavior of the Superfish menu which is used as the primary menu on the theme. As mentioned on the official website of the menu:

Supports touch devices: On Android, iOS, Windows Phone 7 and IE10 (with touchscreen), first touch will open an associated submenu, second will follow the link. Mouse and keyboard accessibility works as normal.

As I tested it again, on the current implementation of this on the theme, I believe, the double tap works quite well on touch devices.
I am not sure if changing this is the best idea as Superfish is heavily tested and optimized for many years.

ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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