Menu problems - sizing etc.

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I'm having some trouble with the main menu.
I've the main menu added as a Top Nav Bar. I would like to have a sticky menu and search in it along with the logo.

1. I've the "sticky enabled" in the block and the header options under theme settings. The header used is "Light header" - When I scroll the "Dark background" only covers have the "area" where the menu is. How can increase the "height" of the background when scrolled so the menu can be read?

2. When I shrink the screen wifht I see a few issues
a. Medium shrink - the search doesn't wrap (it just gets cut off)
b. Mediun small -
1. Search reapears - taking full width
2. Search covers up the logo (which now reappears
3. The menu moves to the left but it is overlaying the site and no background - really unusable.

c. When it gets smaller (phone size) all nav dissapears.

3. I was trying the different drop downs for the header template in the theme config, and while I saw a diference between light and dark, I was not seeing any difference between the other choices. Is there an explanation of what difference I should see. I saw some Icon" change but didn't see any change in the site.


Type: Ticket
Status: Resolved
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plschneide replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh site address: - to see what I described
Xanweb replied on at Permalink Reply

The "Top Navigation Bar" block is not supported yet by our theme, please use the "Autonav" block instead.

Kind regards,
Xanweb Support Team
plschneide replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks that made a difference. Solved the "partial" background issue when scrolling.

though I've changed the various "styles" smooth scrolling, transparent etc. and am not really seeing any differences - is there anywhere I can see what I should except for those changes?
plschneide replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi I'm still having some issues after switching to auto-nav).

1. When you make the browser the smallest size it turns to a hamburger icon, but I click on the icon and it does nothing. (When I used top menu that part seemed to work but is not now).
2. The medium small size has an overlap issue. In the top header section there is " Site header", Site Header naviogation, and site header search. I've put a logo in the header, the auto nave in the nav area and the social media icons (and most likely search as well) in the header search area. When the page is shrunk at medium small the logo dissapears (good) - but the search area ends of overlapping the menu area - I would think it would dissapear -don't see a way to adjust this...
3. There different settings for the auto nav - The "default" keeps all menu items as a single line, but then as the screen gets smaller the menu becomes multiple lines. The block template setting of "responsive header nav" is more desirable overall (keeps it at a single line) but for menu items that become "2 lines" the drop down has an extra space under it. I'm wondering what my options might be here with this theme?
4. the site header section. I put in a logo image and set it to "full size" but it seems like the section is constraining it to a set size - is this expected?
plschneide replied on at Permalink Reply
One more -
For header search area. I added 2 blocks (social and Search). I added them stacked, but they area appearing next to each other. Is there a way to stack them? seems like the header section is forcing a fixed height.
Xanweb replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi plschneide,

We can confirm the mobile hamburger issue, it has been fixed in the new release 2.3.0, please clear the cache and retry.

- Please note:
* That the area "Header Search" is supposed to have only a search block to get the expected
design as shown in the demo

* To change the header template you have to change it via the "Options" page under Pages &
Themes > Replica Pro > Options > Header Template

- As we can see that your page titles in the autonav are quite long so we recommend reducing
the navigation font size using the theme customizer.

- The header logo width is fixed in the theme so when you choose the full-size option in the
image block it won't be affected and that's an expected output.

Kind regards,
Xanweb Support Team
plschneide replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. couple follow ups
1. For the search - how can I get it so I use the icon like yours? Right now I have a "search" button and when the page gets smaller - the hamburger icon overlaps that button and neither work. (also the search "box" gets super small.

2. IS there a way to force it to the hamburger icon sooner?
Xanweb replied on at Permalink Reply

You can get a similar search view to our demo by changing your block template to "Floating Search".

It's not possible to make the hamburger appears sooner without overriding the code, as it was set to appear after the "lg" bootstrap breakpoint.

Kind regards,
Xanweb Support Team

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