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I received and email from you. But, the problem is not that the content is loading in wrong..I have no content in right now. The problem is that the only thing from your theme that is showing is the top header. The rest including the photo, left, right and center is formatted the same as the default theme. I can give you rights to look at it. My site is

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Grayda replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply. The theme isn't loading at all for me. This could indicate a possible site config error. Could you please open up "site.php" in the /config folder? (eg. /public_html/myconcretesite/config/site.php) and note the following lines to me?:

define('BASE_URL', '');
define('DIR_REL', '');

Your BASE_URL should be (no trailing slash) and I'm guessing your DIR_REL should be empty (eg. ''). If they are set like this, then you should try deleting the theme and re-downloading it. I just downloaded the theme for my website and it works, so perhaps something went screwy while downloading it?

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