Login drop down has vanished

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Unfortunately the drop down login feature has mysteriously vanished on my client's site. We have it running under the live site, so you can visit the page here:http://hassalls.net.au/index.php...

Are you able to easily see what I may have done wrong or if there is something missing?

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formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, the login piece is actually a block, have you confirmed that the block
is still there? If it has been removed you should be able to add it back.

On 02/11/2014 23:05, "concrete5 Community" <discussions@concretecms.com>
BrettDashwood replied on at Permalink Reply
I hope it's that simple. I'm actually offline at the moment about to go to bed (10:40pm down here in Australia). So that I have everything I need when I'm back on tomorrow, can you tell me what the block is called and where it should be placed by default. Thanks.

On 3 November 2014 8:40:02 pm AEDT, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
The block handle is Formigo Login, you should be able to see it in your
block options

If you put the site into edit mode, you should be able to see the area
expanded and it should be added there.

On 03/11/2014 11:40, "concrete5 Community" <discussions@concretecms.com>
BrettDashwood replied on at Permalink Reply
I have added the block, however to get it to appear like your demo site, I have to add it to the "Top Bar Full" area, however by default this is an area different per page, so therefore (currently) it is only appearing on the Home page.

Are you suggesting that I need to change this to a global area (or make another global area) to make it work like your demo?

If not, what do you suggest I change to make it work correctly? Thanks
formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
You either need to place it in a global area (sitewide), add it to each page you want the log in block on or create your own global area; each method works, just personal preference which way you want to approach this.
BrettDashwood replied on at Permalink Reply
I guess I'm just surprised that a theme that is paid for needs this level of customisation to get it to be like the demo site. The drop down arrow is sitewide, yet by default there is nothing above it that is. You have a significant number of files as part of this theme. I don't want to break something, so can you please point me to the actual php file that needs to be modified to allow this to be changed to a GlobalArea.

And I know that you are developing 5.7+ themes and add-ons, however can I suggest that you update the 5.6 and back theme so that it can at least crewate the functionality of the demo site out of the box. Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: concrete5 Community [mailto:discussions@concretecms.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 4 November 2014 8:31 PM
To: brett@dashweb.com.au
Subject: Login drop down has vanished : Support
formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
The demo site is suppose to show what you can build with the theme, not really relevant as a site to sell to a client. Furthermore there is no option to offer sample content and ship it with a theme in 5.6 themes as this functionality simply does not exist/work.

The reason the dropdown is sitewide is so that dropdown section can be used on all pages. That is not to say that the same block and or content needs to be the same on all pages. However if you do want the same block on all pages then you could use one of the already pre-existing sitewide areas in that section.

If you do wish to edit the packages files then please make sure you have a back up before continuing. Assuming you wish to make the 'Top Bar Full' area sitewide you should look in this file 'packages/urban/themes/urban/elements/areas/top-bar top-bar-full.php.

You should change:
$a = new Area('Top Bar Full');

$a = new GlobalArea('Top Bar Full');

That should do it.
BrettDashwood replied on at Permalink Reply
I guess the way you market the theme, which looks great by the way, with the multiple included add-ins (including login) and demo site (which is why I bought the bundle straight up), I just felt that it would be able to replicate this marketed functionality from the demo site straight out of the box without the need to add or change code (which I believe has been the case with every other theme I have used, purchased or not). So I guess we'll agree to disagree about the demo site and the default theme as supplied :-)

Thanks for the assistance in locating the right file.

On 4 November 2014 10:03:20 pm AEDT, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry if there was any confusion but just to clarify the demo site is built entirely with the theme and bundled add-ons, there has been no modifications to the code whatsoever.

We simply added the login block to all pages as that was our preference in that instance. We never did this with the intent to confuse or mislead, that is not our style ;)
BrettDashwood replied on at Permalink Reply
That makes sense. Unfortunately it (obviously) did mislead me. Thanks for the clarification...and all the quick responses, your customer service is definitely A1.

On 5 November 2014 7:37:00 am AEDT, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:

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