font & text size in footer?

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A quick question I hope - digging around in the forums and in all the theme files has gotten me no where :)

I've altered the font throughout the theme by editing the typography.css (changed everything to Verdana, 12pt) - but the font in my footer still shows as the original font style and font size. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to change it. I don't actually code, I just mash together bits of code I recognize, and I'm not recognizing what I need here :)

Thanks! It's a perfect theme for my purposes - I can make it completely plain, but still have all the elements of a fully developed C5 theme.

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tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Let me look at the code and Ill find you a solution.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
I found this:

html body.whiteout {
/*customize_body_font*/font: normal normal 14px Cousine, Helvetica, sans-serif; /*customize_body_font*/

in the typography css

change to:

html body.whiteout {
/*customize_body_font*/font: normal normal 12px Verdana, sans-serif; /*customize_body_font*/

Let me know if that works.
elementals replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks so much for getting back to me tallacman :)

I grabbed your block of code and swapped it in - thus far, the footer is still in a serif font, though waiting for the system to catch up is always a good idea (esp. running Cloudflare, it can take a few minutes for the cache to reflect changes made in the code it seems).

I'll let you know!
elementals replied on at Permalink Reply
Looks my footer is still the same. I'm stumped! :D And playing with some new blocks, I'm having to change the font in them to Verdana in the 'design' feature. Which isn't a big deal - but it does say that the universal font change from the typography.css isn't affecting the theme as a whole.

When I go into the the 'customize' theme area, the 'body font' tab won't open and allow me to make any changes.

(, what did I do? I now have 2 tabs for all the color areas :D that's another kettle of fish - as long as it' snot hurting anything :D)
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
If you have a url I can look at I can give you the exact code.
elementals replied on at Permalink Reply
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Put this:

#footer p {font:normal normal 12px Verdana, sans-serif;


In the bottom of the typography.css

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