Tagline block and Clipboard Bug

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To whom it may concern,

First of all, love your theme. Exactly what I was looking for to revamp our website. I started to build our pages and almost immediately ran into a few problems. First, I keep having the demo tagline visible in non-editing mode (-SINCE 1975-). It only disappears if I add any block to tagline section. But the most problematic issue is when I try to add a block from Clipboard my whole editing interface gets stuck. I can't choose any block and cannot go back from clipboard section to the new blocks. I tried in Firefox and Safari and problem remains. So at the moment I can't add any content to the website at all. Please advice. Thank you in advance for all your assistance.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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moosh replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi xchucky88,

Thank you for your purchase and I'm glad it suits you.

Yes, the demo tagline only appear if no block exists in his area,
What would you like to do ? Remove it ? Just add an empty content block on the related Global Area.

Regarding the clipboard issue, it's strange because i don't have this issue.
Let me do some tests here.

Thank you,
xchucky88 replied on at Permalink Reply 3 Attachments
Thank you for your prompt response. I was able to take care of the Clipboard situation by clearing it up in SQL database. My other issue that I can't seem to figure out is related to the navigation block that switched places with the tagline block. I tried deleting the nav block, to remove the tagline but now it pushed the nav block above the tagline. Please see the attached screenshots. Is there any way to bring it to the original order (logo > tagline > navigation > footer)? Thanks once again. cheers
moosh replied on at Permalink Reply

Try to remove the logo and you will be able to reorder things. I think your logo is too big for this theme. The navigation area is centered vertically dynamically.

let me know.
xchucky88 replied on at Permalink Reply
I see, thanks. I was able to play with it and make it work. Now the only final trouble that I'm having is missing navigation in the mobile view. The website is live now so you can check it out. When you press menu, there's no drop down. Would really appreciate any advice on this one. Otherwise, one hell of a great and clean theme. Top notch!
moosh replied on at Permalink Reply
Could you give me website url ? thx :)
xchucky88 replied on at Permalink Reply
My bad haha...http://asiyashriners.com
moosh replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments

I found your problem.

Take a look at the Screenhot 1 attached.
You will see an extra div in your custom install, before the UL nav tag.
This is the cause.

To fix that, open the function.js of the theme and remove the ">" char at line 36 (See Screenshot 2 attached).

xchucky88 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you, sir! Worked like charm.

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