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this looks like a really cool block. is it possible to make it so that you just hover over the stars to rate them, instead of having to click that link first?

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JimboJetset replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah.. but then it would be just like every other star rating.. ;)
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah, standards mean that users don't have to relearn new interfaces. anyway, i think i need a rating system where the votes are based on the current page's cID, instead of the block id, so that it can be hardcoded to the page or used with the global scrapbook. going to just code something custom up.
JimboJetset replied on at Permalink Reply
"yeah, standards mean that users don't have to relearn new interfaces."

If we all developed software under that philosophy it would be a pretty boring 'digital' world... :).
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
that it would. nice hat btw. gotta get me one of those.
JimboJetset replied on at Permalink Reply
Don't bother... it's terrible for keeping the rain off..
fastcrash replied on at Permalink Reply
yes, you are right jimbo
it's more interest for visitor when they see 'click to vote' beside just showing star images

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