Possibility to show editors only certain containers?

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Is there a way to show the editors only a self-defined selection of containers? 20 containers created by Container Magic might overwhelm an editor...

Thank you,

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
In an ideal core, it would be possible to manage containers using permissions, like you can manage blocks with block permissions. Permissions would require implementation in the core. It is not something that can be added unilaterally by Container Magic. So there is no convenient way to manage editor access to subsets of the installed containers.

There are a couple of workrounds that limit the list of containers for everyone:

1. For an already installed copy of Container Magic
In the core dashboard/pages/containers/ page you can select and 'delete' any container, including those installed by Container Magic. This will not remove the original files, but will uninstall it from the site.

Container Magic uses the 'Default' set of containers as a master, so once 'deleted' from default any variant sets of containers will also not be repopulated with that container.

Once a container is 'deleted', a Container Magic package update could restore it, so you would also need to remember to delete it again after any package update.

2. If Container Magic is not yet installed
You could install it and do (1), or you could edit the package controller to comment out any container from the controller's list of containers that get installed. You will also need to remember to do this modification of the code with any update to the package.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you so much for that information!
I think container permissions will come one day, which of course will be the most elegant solution. Thanks for opening the GitHub issue!

Kind regards,

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