Round Number

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I'm using the giftcard plug-in for my e-shop but I've a question. When I use a discount with percent. I've got a discount like 27.36.- or 14.19.-, how or in wich file and line can I round those number to have something like 27.35.- or 14.20.- ?

Thank your for your answer and sorry for my terrible english.

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Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply

And thanks for the message. Your English is perfect as I can completely understand you (which is the most important thing).

The file you need to override is:

So copy that file into your root-level directories, so it will be in:

Then in that file you can see this comment:
// Check how much to be paid from this coupon

And under that you see the if-clause that checks whether it's a percentage gift card.

So the line you need to change in that file is:
$amt = round($orderCanBePaid * ($coupon->getValue()/100), 2);

Hopefully this answers your question!

Antti / Mainio
Rmg replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for the fast answer !

I Just Change the round function to 0.1, 0.2 … 

So I turn this
$amt = round($orderCanBePaid * ($coupon->getValue()/100), 2);

$amt = round($orderCanBePaid * ($coupon->getValue()/100), 1);

Thank you !

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