Select multiple Filters

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Hi there,

Is it possible to make multiple tags selectable?

For example,with the attached sample, I'd like to be able to select multiple tags to narrow down the search.

1 Attachment

Type: Discussion
Status: Archived
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Parasek replied on at Permalink Reply

its not possible right now (at least not possible to make it easily).
From the beginning, it was designed to filter by only one tag.

ettlin replied on at Permalink Reply

thanks for the quick reply! Out of curiosity, could you tell me how to implement the function, even if it's not the easy way?
Parasek replied on at Permalink Reply
I may have oversell it, wasn't that hard.

Replace file:

Toggle multiselect in line 61 and filtering method in line 64 (and/or).
Also change multiSelectEnabled variable in line 147.

I will implement this in package later, but no ETA for that.
You can beta-test it for now and notify me if you find any bugs:D

$(function () {
    var GrandGalleryWithMasonry = (function ($, window, document, undefined) {
        var grids = [];
        var numberOfImagesAtStart  = [];
        var numberOfImagesToReveal = [];
        var galleryRevealMethod    = [];
        // Number of visible images after initial load / "Tag" click / "Show more" click
        var counter = [];
        var allowCheckingIfReachedBottom = true;
        var allowTriggeringClickEvent    = true;
        var initIsotopeBlocks = function () {
            $('.js-gg-container-masonry').each(function() {
                var blockID = $(this).attr('data-block-id');
                numberOfImagesAtStart[blockID]  = parseInt($('.gg-container-'+blockID).attr('data-number-of-images-at-start'));
                numberOfImagesToReveal[blockID] = parseInt($('.gg-container-'+blockID).attr('data-number-of-images-to-reveal'));
ettlin replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Parasek

Thank you so much! You truly saved the day.

Your solution works wonderfully. After going down rabbit holes and testing different add-ons I was pretty much ready to accept, that selecting multiple tags is just not going to work.

Having such an easy adaption, is really nice. I’ll let you know if bugs should show up, but for now it seems to be working just fine. :)

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