Sort order for images

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I would like to confirm that Grand Gallery can automatically sort images from newest to oldest. I am using your simple gallery with a file set, but the file set always puts new images at the end by default. I want new images at the top by default. Perhaps I can change from file set to folder and achieve this but it's not clear in the doco or demo. I know I can manually change the sort order but I want to set and forget. It's a simple requirement as I have members uploading images of events they attended I want new ones at the top, and ideally tabs for each event.

Also not sure how to make the tabs for different types of images, do they come from the image properties or the folder structure or multiple file sets?

I like the idea of the block supporting the upload and delete of images by members, Awesome.


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Archived
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Parasek replied on at Permalink Reply

In Grand Gallery you can select "Force sorting method" just below "File Set" selection and it should sort images accordingly (it won't take into account order of images in box below).

I don't know what does "tabs for different types of images" mean. Can you explain it further?

peachautomation replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Excellent, based on this I will purchase.

The tabs I refer to are in the image below. Not sure how to configure. Maybe once I install it will be obvious.
Parasek replied on at Permalink Reply
Those "tabs" come from image properties. There will be new File attribute added, where you can add/edit tags. You can do that in File Manger or directly in Grand Gallery block.
Parasek replied on at Permalink Reply
And one more thing.

Those "tabs" as I said are created from tag attributes, not from "File Set" names.
In one of the latest versions of Concrete mass assignments of tags in File Manger was bugged.

There is no mass-assignment of tags in Grand Gallery Block, so if you want to assign tag to large quantity of images - it can be quite "tedious" without using php code (at least till Concrete team fixes bug in File Manager).
peachautomation replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, I have purchased and everything works as expected. Great product. You can close ticket now.

I manually configured the tags as suggested and it took some time but hopefully concrete fix the file manager bug soon to assign tags to multiple files.

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